On our first week of pastry artistry class, chef has taught us about making a swan. he taught us the basic by using a styrofoam. before we enter the class, we have search on how to make a swan on the internet so we wont be blur on our first class.

the first step in making a swan is we have to sketch a swan that have been drawn by chef azrul on the styrofoam. after done sketching, we need to prepare ourself to cut the styrofoam. when cutting the styrofoam, we have to do it accordingly to the drawing that we have sketch.

After finish cutting the styrofoam, the surface of the sculpture is not very smooth. So we use a sand paper to make the surface look smooth. Then, after the surface has been smooth, we have to draw a wings and cut it again then smooth it again until you get the perfect swan sculpture.

-The picture above is the final touched up of swan-

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