Bread showpiece is a bread that is only for display purposes. On our 4th week, we have been ask to make a bread showpiece.

Firstly, we have to sketch the design that we want. Then we can start to make the dough.
For the dough ingredients, we need :

  • 100 gm of flour
  • 400 gm of salt
Mix both ingredient and put a bit of water and mix it until it become a dough.
Then next step, roll the dough using a rolling pin.
Then we can start to cut the dough according to the design that we have sketched. Make sure to follow measurement given.

Bake the dough for about 30-40 minutes or until it become golden brown.
Then the next step is to combined all the pieces to become a house using a sugar paste.
The final step is to brush the product using thinner.

(picture)(pandai2 la ye gmbr letak kt mana hehe. kt step by step pun boleh)

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