On 5th of September, we have been told to make a product by using chocolate. When starting the class, as usual chef will brief about making the product. The ingredient to make the chocolate sculpture is :
  1. 500 gm dark chocolate
  2. 175 gm liquid of glucose
  3. 100 gm heavy syrup

Base and Body:

1. 1 bag of chocolate bar

firstly, need to chopped the chocolate bar into small pieces. then melt the chocolate by using a double boiled method and stir until it well blend.

next step is to make the garnishes by put the dark chocolate into to mixture and slowly pour the heavy syrup into the mixture. it will look like a dough and wrap it with plastic wrap and let it rest in the chiller for 40 minutes.then pinch the dough as many as you want and roll it. next step is to cut the body and base according to the shape. after that, can start to make a decoration by use your own creativity.

 then glue the shape that you have cut until it became a box. finally, you can start glue the decoration on your box.

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