on 5th of september 2013, it is the day we learn about pastillage and this is the first time i heard about it. pastillage is a sugar based dough that is used for decorating and making decorations for pastry, showpiece work and ornamental moulded forms. pastillage is work and then allowed to dry, putting up a hard, sugar based decoration. lets start by introducing the ingredients.

1. 1kg of icing sugar 
2. 10 gm of gelatine powder
3. 50 ml water
4.50 ml vinegar
5. 1 bottle of colouring

royal icing ingredients:
1. 2 nos of egg white
2. 350 gm icing sugar

first step is to mix the egg white and icing sugar and blend in mixture until it turn firm. next step is to mix the gelatine powder with water and vinegar. stir until it is all set. next is by using double boiler method, heat the gelatine mixture until it became liquid. then mix it with icing sugar until it became a dough.

let the dough rest for about 40 minutes and after that start to rolling it until it become thin.after that, shape and design by using your own creativity. then glue the pieces with royal icing.

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