on 5th of september 2013, it is the day we learn about pastillage and this is the first time i heard about it. pastillage is a sugar based dough that is used for decorating and making decorations for pastry, showpiece work and ornamental moulded forms. pastillage is work and then allowed to dry, putting up a hard, sugar based decoration. lets start by introducing the ingredients.

1. 1kg of icing sugar 
2. 10 gm of gelatine powder
3. 50 ml water
4.50 ml vinegar
5. 1 bottle of colouring

royal icing ingredients:
1. 2 nos of egg white
2. 350 gm icing sugar

first step is to mix the egg white and icing sugar and blend in mixture until it turn firm. next step is to mix the gelatine powder with water and vinegar. stir until it is all set. next is by using double boiler method, heat the gelatine mixture until it became liquid. then mix it with icing sugar until it became a dough.

let the dough rest for about 40 minutes and after that start to rolling it until it become thin.after that, shape and design by using your own creativity. then glue the pieces with royal icing.


Bread showpiece is a bread that is only for display purposes. On our 4th week, we have been ask to make a bread showpiece.

Firstly, we have to sketch the design that we want. Then we can start to make the dough.
For the dough ingredients, we need :

  • 100 gm of flour
  • 400 gm of salt
Mix both ingredient and put a bit of water and mix it until it become a dough.
Then next step, roll the dough using a rolling pin.
Then we can start to cut the dough according to the design that we have sketched. Make sure to follow measurement given.

Bake the dough for about 30-40 minutes or until it become golden brown.
Then the next step is to combined all the pieces to become a house using a sugar paste.
The final step is to brush the product using thinner.

(picture)(pandai2 la ye gmbr letak kt mana hehe. kt step by step pun boleh)


On 5th of September, we have been told to make a product by using chocolate. When starting the class, as usual chef will brief about making the product. The ingredient to make the chocolate sculpture is :
  1. 500 gm dark chocolate
  2. 175 gm liquid of glucose
  3. 100 gm heavy syrup

Base and Body:

1. 1 bag of chocolate bar

firstly, need to chopped the chocolate bar into small pieces. then melt the chocolate by using a double boiled method and stir until it well blend.

next step is to make the garnishes by put the dark chocolate into to mixture and slowly pour the heavy syrup into the mixture. it will look like a dough and wrap it with plastic wrap and let it rest in the chiller for 40 minutes.then pinch the dough as many as you want and roll it. next step is to cut the body and base according to the shape. after that, can start to make a decoration by use your own creativity.

 then glue the shape that you have cut until it became a box. finally, you can start glue the decoration on your box.


On our second class, our chef has taught us on how to make a fish sculpture by using the same item like last week's class which is styrofoam but this time we had to cover the sculpture with butter to make it a butter sculpture. To make this sculpture, it may take a long time but we enjoyed doing it.

First step of making a fish is we have to sketch a shape of the fish that have been drawn by Chef Azrul on the styrofoam. After done sketching, we need to prepare ourselves to cut the styrofoam. When cutting the styrofoam, we have to do it accordingly to the drawing that we have sketched

After finish cutting the styrofoam, the surface of the sculpture is not very smooth. So we use a sand paper to make the surface look smooth. Then, after the surface has been smooth, we have to draw a wings and cut it again then smooth it again until you get the perfect fish sculpture.

After that, we cover the fish sculpture with a butter. You have to make sure to cover every part of the fish sculpture with butter without seeing any styrofoam color. After finish cover it, put your sculpture in the freezer to make the butter stays on sculpture. 


On our first week of pastry artistry class, chef has taught us about making a swan. he taught us the basic by using a styrofoam. before we enter the class, we have search on how to make a swan on the internet so we wont be blur on our first class.

the first step in making a swan is we have to sketch a swan that have been drawn by chef azrul on the styrofoam. after done sketching, we need to prepare ourself to cut the styrofoam. when cutting the styrofoam, we have to do it accordingly to the drawing that we have sketch.

After finish cutting the styrofoam, the surface of the sculpture is not very smooth. So we use a sand paper to make the surface look smooth. Then, after the surface has been smooth, we have to draw a wings and cut it again then smooth it again until you get the perfect swan sculpture.

-The picture above is the final touched up of swan-